Category: Uncategorized
What I say here, believer; And more of them are there
What is more Muslims, what is less Islam, what is less disbelievers and what is more disbelief, and you think in a moment of seriousness that you are a believer in a word that someone disbelieves you and then he tells you God’s curse on you. Watch them float with a heel and say to…
Orientation; The Arab Kiss and Society
Orientalism is a really thorny topic, as it is the science of the maid of the invasion waves of the Islamic Arab Orient from the Western Egyptian powers; But in fact, many orientalists were not serving the colony and many were presenting their vision of the Islamic Arab East as a scientific vision. In the…
Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulwahab; Assessment of his reform movement (25)
Far from the mistakes that Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulwahab made in the doctrine and his disagreement with the masses of scholars since the first pillar of this nation’s predecessor, his movement deserves meditation, pride and pride. The Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulwahab movement is now spread in many Bekaa and is followed in his science by…
state of isreal and the gaza strip
here we see a massive attak from state of isreal on the small crouded gaza strip , cutting electricity and water supplies and food ; causing 200 000 palestinian citizins to flow out side of the gaza strip. apperantly we can see how dangerous is the zionizm movement that lead to establish this evil state…
modern zionizm movement
mr. majed sawi the zionizm movment is controlling the -today-world , because of many factors and its taking the human kind to a harming and bad borders. the zionist beilive that the masayah will come only if the world is fulled with bad and harming deeds , so they push toward that strongly . we…
our battle with isreal and the free world
mr. majed sawi wile the so called free world is supporting the evil state of isreal, we as muslims are fighting it because its a harming evil existing thing. the jewes money that is spreading around the world to get more supporters we dont have something like it . so the ballance here is going…
the current age most famous word
mr. majed sawi dear citizen what ever your home land or country.the current age famous word, and the most played by – the dirtiest – mouths which the miss cutey girl ” peace”, i think you heard of it, at least on the global ” cnn “. the killing ways here ar not the same…
mr. netenyahu , please – shut up – and run !!
; mr. majed sawi here we have a routine bombing from the state of isreal on the small – crowded – area of gaze strip. which is something that send a clear signals to whole world that this evil state – state of isreal – is against the -famous – human life, while at the…
you are in simple words – called; ; a liar ; !!;
; mr. majed sawi if you are dreaming in a ; world free of evil ; , and at the same time you are doing what is not evil but more than that , you are in simple words called ; a liar . its math my dear nothing more , so i advise you…